I asked our team to take some time to reflect on gratitude and what they were thankful for this year. 2020 may not be an obvious year for expressing gratitude and thankfulness, and I and touched by how much we have to list.
Alyssa Pasek | Director of Customer Happiness & Marketing:
1. Change: Though it may often feel overwhelming or bad it also opens the doors of new possibilities
2. Family: I have not always had the easiest relationships with family members, but find as I get older that I have a greater understanding and appreciation of my family
3. Alone time: during Covid I struggled at first with being alone but just as some love to meditate I find myself enjoying my alone time to reflect and decompress
4. Nature: Gosh, so much to be said about this topic but nature is my happy place
5. Health: In this crazy uncertain time I am so thankful to be strong and healthy
Crystal Anderson | Assistant Designer:
Cecilia | Production Management & Seamstress:
1. My husband
2. My children
3. Having a job
4. My friends
5. Still having a mom
Thoa | Head Seamstress
1. For everyday opportunities
2. Being a mom
3. My good health to care for my loved ones.
Mai | Seamstress
1. My family
2. Friendly environment at work
3. My boss’s patience 😉
David | Head of Everything
1. Failures. It's taken me a long time to truly be grateful for my failures, but I've come to understand that success is most definitely on the other side.
2. Living abroad. I never knew when I moved to Paris 17 years ago how much it would change my life. There are friendships that have stood the test of time and distance, career opportunities that allow me to work internationally, and a better understanding of how broadly diverse the world is and how wonderful that is.
3. My Team. We are small but mighty. I'm so proud of how each and every team member has stepped up to the plate this year. We would not have survived this year especially if they hadn't dug deep and truly elevated our work and mindset. It hasn't been easy and there have been difficult moments to be sure, but there is not one person that hasn't risen above the situation this year. I love them like family.
4. Home. This year allowed us the opportunity to move. It wasn't something we were looking to do, especially during a pandemic, but it's been wonderful to be able to create a space that works so much better for the kids and will allow them to (literally) run around and grow. It feels like home.
5. Community. Community can be so many things, family, friends, clients... I feel so fortunate to have all these things and more. I am so grateful for the love and the support that has been shown to me this year. 2020 could have been a complete disaster. I credit out ability to survive to the incredible support that has been show to us by our community and beyond. YOU made that happen and my thankfulness knows no bounds.
So tell us, what makes you grateful this year? Even if 2020 hasn't exactly been what you hoped, I hope that you'll take the time to reflect on gratitude. It may not (immediately) change our situation, but it does change our minds and hearts and gives us the strength to carry on through the hard time.
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